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Recipe to Formula - Overview
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The Recipe to Formula environment opens by default when Matrix is booted. This environment focuses on the recipe - it's materials and its quantities. Here recipes are minipulated by changing materials or quantites while observing the effects thes changes make on the unity formula.

During the entering or changing of a recipe the unity formula is progressively generated and can be monitored as a list of numbers (molecular parts) or on a graphical display.

Two recipes and their formulae can be viewed and manipulated independently on screen at the same time.

In the Recipe to Formula environment:

  • a new recipe may be entered.
  • a previously saved recipe may be loaded.
  • material substitutions may be made to a displayed recipe or quantities may be changed to create a new recipe.
  • a displayed recipe may be saved to disc as an individual file or it may be added to a recipe database.
  • a displayed recipe may be printed out.
  • a recipe may be sent to the Formula to Recipe environment for the creation of a new recipe.

The Single Recipe Display Mode

When Matrix is opened it boots in the single recipe display mode (see Fig.1). A recipe called Vicki's Undersea has been loaded from a recipe database called OtagoPolyGlazes.rmt

Fig.1 Matrix in the Recipe to Formula single recipe display mode.

Indicates that the R.1 recipe panel is active and that changes and all other functions will be performed on the recipe in this panel.

This button will copy the recipe an formula displayed in the R.1 panel into the R.2 panel. While Matrix is in the single recipe display mode only the copied formula will be visible replacing the Wgt % display.

Clicking this button will expand the Matrix window to show the R.2 recipe panel. (Fig.2) Initially the R.1 recipe panel remains active until the R.2 radio button has been clicked.

The Double Recipe Display Mode

Matrix can display two recipes side by side. In Fig.2 the button was clicked to expand the window into the double recipe display mode. Vicki's Undersea recipe was copied from the R.1 panel to the R.2 panel and the R.2 panel has been activated by clicking the R.2 radio button

Fig.2 Matrix in the Recipe to Formula double recipe display mode.

In Fig.2 Vicki's Undersea is displayed in the R.2 recipe panel. The active panel has been changed to R.2 by clicking the R.2 radio button.

After activating the R.2 panel the indicates that the R.2 panel is active. Changes can be made to the recipe in the R.2 panel now.

Recipe Quantities Manipulation Buttons

Below each recipe panel is a set of buttons which perform actions on the recipe displayed in that panel when it is activated.

O  this button reloads the original recipe into the panel. It is useful if you have been experimenting with changes and you want to quickly revert to the original recipe.

B  this button steps back from the last change you have just made to the recipe.

R  this button rounds all the quantities in the recipe. A dialog opens giving you the choice of rounding to whole numbers or rounding the quantities to one decimal place. This is useful for printing out a batch recipe prior to mixing the batch.

%  this button converts the recipe quantities so that they total is 100.

+ -  this button opens a dialog which enables you to make changes to the highlighted material quantity in the recipe.

Fig.3 Dialog for making incremental changes to a material quantity

For more information about using this dialog follow this link:

Using the Incremental Change Dialog in changing a recipe.

Follow these links for more information about Recipt to Formula processes:


Recipe to Formula
Overview | Entering a New Recipe | Clearing Displayed Recipe Data | Saving as Individual file | Saving to a database | Saving a Glaze Picture | Saving a Recipe Text File | Deleting a Recipe From Your Hard Drive | Formula Calculations | Loading an Individual Recipe | Loading a Database Recipe | Changing a Recipe | Monitoring Calculations on a chart | Viewing Raw Material Information | Using Limit Formula Graphs | Viewing Database Recipes on a Limits Graph | Printing a Displayed Recipe | Sending Recipe Data to Other Environments | Creating Batch Recipes and Calculating Costs