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Clearing a Recipe or Formula the R.1 or R.2 Panels
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Fig.1 shows the Bright Pink recipe loaded into the R.1 recipe panel. There is no recipe loaded into the R.2 recipe panel

Clearing the R.1 Recipe Panel Display
The R.1 recipe panel is active and the Clear button is label Clear R.1 The yellow rectangle indicates that the R.1 recipe panel is active.

If you wish to clear the currently displayed recipe from the R.1 recipe panel then click the Clear R.1 button.

You will be asked to confirm this request with a Confirm Dialog (Fig.1)

Fig.1 Clearing a recipe from the R.1 Recipe Panel

Clearing a Recipe and Formula Displayed in the R.2 Recipe and Formula Panels

The same process works for recipes displayed in the R.2 recipe panel whether or not you have the Matrix window expanded to show the recipe loaded into the R.2 panel.

Fig.2 Activating the R.2 Recipe Panel in before clearing the formula

Fig.2 shows the Bright Pink glaze copied into the R.2 recipe panel by clicking the button.

Only the formula is visible for the Bright Pink recipe in the R.2 panel as the window has not been expanded. More ...

If you wish to clear the Bright Pink formula displayed in the R.2 formula column first click the

button to activate the R.2 recipe (and formula) panel.

The Clear button label changes to

Clear R.2

The red dot indicates that the Clear button will act on the R.2 recipe (and formula) panel.

Fig.3 Clearing a recipe from the R.2 Recipe Panel

In Fig.3 the R.2 recipe and formula panel has been activated.

The formula in the R.2 panel can now be cleared by clicking the Clear R.2 button.

This same process should be followed if the window has been expanded to show the Recipe in the R.2 recipe panel.


Follow these links for more information about:


Recipe to Formula
Overview | Entering a New Recipe | Clearing Displayed Recipe Data | Saving as Individual file | Saving to a database | Saving a Glaze Picture | Saving a Recipe Text File | Deleting a Recipe From Your Hard Drive | Formula Calculations | Loading an Individual Recipe | Loading a Database Recipe | Changing a Recipe | Monitoring Calculations on a chart | Viewing Raw Material Information | Using Limit Formula Graphs | Viewing Database Recipes on a Limits Graph | Printing a Displayed Recipe | Sending Recipe Data to Other Environments | Creating Batch Recipes and Calculating Costs