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Changing A Recipe
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Changing a recipe is a very common task performed by glaze calculation software. In the Recipe to Formula environment the recipe to be changed is first loaded into a recipe panel.

Substituting a Material

Frequently you may wish to substitute one material for another. In this example we will substitute the Whiting in the Cone 10 Glaze for Wollastonite.

We will make this change and try to make other adjustments to maintain the original unity formula.

While we are making the changes we will want to keep an ey on the original formula and perhaps the original recipe so our first task is to make a copy of the formula and recipe in the Recipe to Formula environment.

Make a copy of the Cone 10 Glaze

After the Cone 10 Glaze is loaded into the R.1 panel in the Recipe to Formula environment click on the button. This will place a copy of the formula in the second formula column. Changes made to the recipe in R.1 panel will generate a new formula in the first formula column.

Fig.1 Copying the recipe to the R.2 panel (not visible in this view)

If you want to view the original recipe while making changes then click the button and the original recipe will be displayed in the R.2 panel.

The key to making a successful material substitution in a recipe to to ensure that at the end of the process the unity formula for the new recipe is the same as that for the original and that as few materials have been changed as possible.

In our example changing the Whiting to Wollastonite will alter the balances of all the other oxides in the recipe.

We will need then to tinker with the new recipe's quantities to bring the balances back the what they were in the original.

Selecting Wollastonite to Replace Whiting

Click on the name Whiting in the recipe panel then click on the button to open the Materials Selection List. (or double click on the name Whiting).

Locate and double click on Wollastonite. This material will now replace Whiting in the recipe and a new formula is generated in the first formula column (under the image).

Fig.2 Using the Limits Graph to monitor changes in the formula.

Fig.2 shows the new formula generated after the Wollastonite replacement. We can now close the Materials Selection window and start adjusting the recipe's quantities to try to match the new formula with the original.

Manipulating the Recipe's Quantities to Match the Original Formula

We can start with the Australian Potash Feldspar which is the source of KNO (K2O & Na2O) in the recipe. The KNO level is too hight in the new formula so click on the feldspar's quanties and type in a lower number (don't forget to press the ENTER key). Keep on typing in a new number until the small yellow rectangle (new formula value) for KNO on the Limits graph lies on top of the red spot (the original value for KNO). If you are very particular you can check the actual values in the formula columns.

Fig.3 Lowering feldspar quantity to reduce the KNO levels and bring the CaO back to that of the original.

Now we have to bring the Al2O3 and SiO2 levels in the new formula back in line with those of the original formula. Click on the EPK Kaolin quantity and type in lower numbers until the Al2O3 level (indicated by the yellow rectngle on the graph) is the same as that in the original formula (indicated by the red spot on the graph).See Fig.4

Fig.4 Lowering clay and silica quantities to reduce theAl2O3 and SiO2 levels to aline with the original formula.

The final step will be to convert the new recipe's quantities such that the total is 100 See Fig. 5

Fig.5 The conversion is complete.

Using the Incremental Change Dialog

While typing in quantities in the recipe panel is the most direct way of making changes this is sometimes less convenient than using the Incremental Change Dialog which can change values in preset increments with button clicks.

Fig.6 Opening the Incremental Change dialog.

The Incremental Change Dialog performs changes to a highlighted material in a recipe.

To open the window:

  • click on the material the quantity for which you wish to change
  • click on the button in the panel under the recipe you are changing (Fig.6)

We can now use the buttons in the dialog to make changes to the quantity of Australian Potash Feldspar highlighted in the recipe panel.

Fig.7 the Incremental Change dialog set to make changes to Australian Potash Feldspar

The increment value can be changed in the dialog by typing a new number into the Increment text box.

To change another material with the dialog open just click on the material in the recipe you wish to change.

When changes are complete click the OK button.

Rename and Save the New Recipe

All that remains is to save the new recipe preferable with a name that indicates it is a version of the original recipe e.g. Cone 10 Glaze #1

Click the Save As button or the Save > DB button to save the new recipe.

This process can be done much more quickly (takes about 10 seconds) using the process which makes a new recipe from a formula in the Formula to Recipe environment.

Follow these links for more information about:


Recipe to Formula
Overview | Entering a New Recipe | Clearing Displayed Recipe Data | Saving as Individual file | Saving to a database | Saving a Glaze Picture | Saving a Recipe Text File | Deleting a Recipe From Your Hard Drive | Formula Calculations | Loading an Individual Recipe | Loading a Database Recipe | Changing a Recipe | Monitoring Calculations on a chart | Viewing Raw Material Information | Using Limit Formula Graphs | Viewing Database Recipes on a Limits Graph | Printing a Displayed Recipe | Sending Recipe Data to Other Environments | Creating Batch Recipes and Calculating Costs