Glaze Course - Lesson Summaries
Glaze software - Recipe to Formula
Lesson Number 6
The advent of computers now makes it possible for studio potters and ceramic artists to approach glaze experimentation from an analytical viewpoint focusing on the chemistry of the raw materials and the fired glaze.

Since the late 1980's various software packages have been developed internationally. At Otago Polytechnic a programme called Matrix was created by Lawrence Ewing to assist students in their glaze chemistry work. Since that time Matrix has grown to become a leading international glaze software package.

This week's lecture introduces this software, focuses on the entering and saving of a recipe, and discusses the concept of Unity Formula (also called Seger formula or emperical formula).

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Contact: Lawrence Ewing - 1015 Ellis Rd, Five Rivers, RD3, Lumsden, Northern Southland,
New Zealand